Solon Office
Medina Office

Medicare Basics You Need to Know

The concept of Medicare can be murky for soon-to-be retirees. If you learn basic enrollment guidelines and some of the nuances of various Medicare plans, you’ll be empowered with the knowledge you need to make better decisions—and avoid costly penalties. Here,...

What We Learned from the WannaCry Ransomware Attack

If you’ve checked the news in the past month, you’ve likely heard of the WannaCry ransomware attack, one of the most widespread cyber attacks to date. Security experts estimate that more than 200,000 users have been infected with this malware. Once...

Why You Need an Estate Plan for Your Digital Assets

According to the Pew Research Center, 87 percent of Americans use the Internet. This means most of us maintain at least some personal and financial information online. We pay bills online, keep contact records digitally, and rarely print a photo—because it’s in...

5 Ways to Spot a Phishing E-Mail

Did you know that phishing (i.e., scam) e-mails account for about 91 percent of all cyberattacks? In other words, nearly every cybersecurity issue you could think of—from viruses, to ransomware, to full-blown data breaches—starts with users accidentally clicking...